Corby PLUS and Corby PRO are message-centric mobiles for heavy texters delivering easy-to-use SMS and IM (Instant Messenger) features enabled through its finger friendly full QWERTY slide out keypad. Both the mobile have features like Buddy List, Chat Style SMS, Easy Email Set up wizard, Instant Chat Messenger and Popular SNS Sites. Buddy list lets you speed dial your closest pals and Quick Easy email setup simplifies the process of setting up email accounts.

You can update current status and access friends’ updates, live feeds on Facebook, MySpace and Twitter through simple Pop-up SNS. The handset also supports various social networking community sites by integrating leading User Generated Content sites such as YouTube, Flickr, Picasa and Photobucket and other popular SNS sites including Facebook, MySpace and Friendster directly into the handsets user interface. You can upload photo & video to these SNS and User Generated Content sites through Communities solution.

The CorbyPLUS is priced at Rs 10,050 and CorbyPRO is priced at Rs 13,900 .With the launch of these new models , the Corby line up is now priced in the range between Rs.7300 to Rs 13,900.