WhatsApp is reportedly testing a highly anticipated feature for iOS users – multi-account support within a single app. This feature was previously available for Android users and is now in development for iOS, as revealed by WABetaInfo. The latest beta version of WhatsApp for iOS (, accessible via TestFlight, includes this functionality, marking a significant step forward for the platform.
WhatsApp multiple accounts support is one of its major features introduced last year on Android. Users can use WhatsApp with multiple accounts on a single device. WhatsApp has already added some exciting features including WhatsApp Channels, Edit Messages, Chat Lock, Passkeys support, Proxy support, and now planning to add support for multiple accounts for iOS users.
The new multi-account feature allows iOS users to log into and manage multiple WhatsApp accounts within the same app. This is useful for individuals juggling personal and professional communication or managing separate numbers for other purposes. Currently, some users rely on WhatsApp Business as a workaround to manage an additional number, even without business-related needs.
Dual SIM users will particularly benefit from this feature. Instead of dedicating one SIM to the main WhatsApp app and another to WhatsApp Business, they can now manage both numbers within the primary app. This eliminates the need for extra devices or multiple applications, streamlining communication.
As of now, the feature is under development and is expected to roll out in a future update. While there’s no official release timeline, this development highlights WhatsApp’s commitment to enhancing user experience and meeting evolving communication needs.