Google is known to test new features in its apps very often, especially the Play Store. Back in June, Early Access section was showing up to some users in the Play Store. While that’s available to all the users now, some users are now seeing the ‘Wait for Wi-Fi’ option while downloading an app.
Now whenever you download an app from the Play Store, you will see two options – Download Now and Wait for Wi-Fi. The Wait for Wi-Fi is a new option which lets users queue the downloads. The queued downloads will start whenever your device is connected to a Wi-Fi network.

This is really useful if you don’t want your mobile data pack to be consumed because of downloading something from the Play Store. Mobile carriers already charge hefty amount for the data packs and in such cases if you download something through Play Store, it will only add up to your bill (or get charged from your prepaid balance).
However, Google does show a message saying this feature is still being tested. And, if this feature is removed, apps may be downloaded using mobile networks instead of Wi-Fi. Also, this option is only showing up to some users as it’s still in testing phase. Having said that, we would really like to see Google roll out this option to everyone. What do you think?