Vodafone have announced the Bonus Recharge for the prepaid users that can help them to reduce their Local call tariff.There are basically diffrent options in each circle starting with just Rs. 21 and going up to Rs.50, the Bonus Card with a 30-day validity period allows Vodafone customers to make local calls at 60 paise/minute at any time of the day.
Circlewise Cost of this ‘Bonus Recharge’ are as below-:
Madhay Pradesh-Chattisgarh,Orissa, Assam and North East Rs 28
Chennai,Punjab and Tamilnadu.Rs 32
Delhi-NCR,Andhara Pradesh,Gujarat,Kolkata and West Bangal-Rs.35
Rajasthan Rs.39
Haryana Rs.40
Maharashtra-Goa Rs.45
UP-East Rs.50
Himachal Pradesh & UP-West-Not Available