The mobile number portability was finally introduced in India last year and was launched nationwide in January this year. It was speculated that this scheme would be the “game changer” for the telecom industry, however it hasn’t. Only as less as 5 million subscribers, or less than 1 percent of the country’s total customers, had opted to switch carriers.
Vodafone India emerged as the winner with the largest number of customers switching to the network. The results were out on Friday which showed a net 192,761 customers switched to India’s 3rd largest mobile carrier Vodafone Essar, while sixth-ranked Idea Cellular was next, with net gains of 150,789 customers. India’s top 2 operators, Bharti Airtel gained a net 148,215 customers in MNP, but No. 2 Reliance Communications was a net loser of 306,417customers.
With 771 million mobile subscribers as of January, India is the world’s second-biggest market for mobile services and with monthly additions averaging 19 million in the past one year, it is the world’s fastest growing market.