After Tata Docomo, Vodafone has launched their 3G services in Maharashtra (Pune). Vodafone 3G signals were live in Pune since 2 months but the network was not getting latched. Today, finally the network was latched to Vodafone 3G network after sending a sms in following format:
ACT 3G to 111
We got the following reply from Vodafone:
3G and Video Calling service is now active on your phone. You will continue to be charged as per your current data plan. Local Video call charges are Rs 3/min. Offer valid till 10th April 2011.
Following are the speed results conducted at 22:45 on 22/3/2011.
The Speed Test was conducted on Nokia N8 which supports HSDPA of 10.2 Mbps and HSUPA of 2 Mbps.