In August Viewsonic announced its Android based tablet ‘Viewpad’. Back then it was announced as the first tablet with Froyo in it. But after the announcement many manufacturers have actually launched Froyo tablets in the market. But its better late than never. Viewpad is now available to pre-order from Amazon for android tablet enthusiasts in the US.
Viewpad 7 is a 7 inch touchscreen pad powered by a 600MHz ARM processor. It has read and front cameras and 512MB of storage. Its has got an SD card slot along with the regular android features like GPS, WiFi and BT. The differentiator from the other tablets in the market is that, Viewpad is capable of making voice calls out of the box. It is capable of unlocked 3G connection. That sounds exciting, but I can’t imagine myself holding 7” tablet against my head to call someone. But still if you are interested, be ready to shell out $600 and pre-order it from Amazon.