I am sharing with you the tariff details which are there on Uninor’s Website. I was quite surprised when I saw the call and sms charges.
SIM Cost – Rs. 49 (includes talktime worth RS. 5)
Validity- Lifetime
Local Charges (all charges in Rs./min)
Uninor to Uninor – Re. 1
Landline – Re. 1
STD Charges (all charges in Rs./min)
Uninor to Uninor – Rs. 1.5
Uninor to any mobile or landline – Rs. 1.5
SMS Charges (all charges in Rs./SMS)
Local – Re. 1
National – Rs. 2
International – Rs. 5
If Uninor is going to enter the Indian Market with the above rates then the first question which arise in my mind is – How will they compete other operators?. Do share your views about what do you think about Uninor’s tariff.
PS : The website is still under construction so there may be changes in above information.