The ‘Fly with Uninor’ offer will hold two lucky draws. One draw entitles the winner to a round trip ticket to Dubai and the other gives out a round trip ticket to fly to any destination in India.
To qualify for the Dubai ticket draw, a customer needs to recharge with STV 31 and make calls to the Gulf that add up to at least 5 minutes by November 8, 2010. Gulf countries include UAE, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Oman (LandLine), Qatar (LandLine) &Yemen. Calls to the Gulf are charged at the rate of Rs.6.99 per minute on STV 31. To qualify to fly to any destination in India a customer needs to recharge with STV 41. STV 41 offers 100 free STD minutes. Both STV 31 and STV 41 are valid for 30 days.