UC Browser, the popular third party browser has just brought a new update for Android, UC Browser 9.6 which brings some new features which are quite cool.
The first of the new features UC Browser 9.6 brings is the new Easy Downloading Mode which shows you all the downloadable files from a webpage. For instance, if there’s an image heavy webpage, the browser will show you a list of all the images you can download. We tested this new feature and it does not work as well as we might have wanted. The list does not show up on most of the websites. We hope the developers behind UC Browser bring an update to make it work better because the feature is quite cool.
The new update also brings better speed and graphics for high-end smartphones. Smartphones and tablets with 2GB RAM or more will witness a ‘hardware acceleration’ while browsing.
“Hardware acceleration also accelerates graphics rendering for online games. When using a Google Nexus 7 to run Microsoft’s FishIE Tank, a benchmark test that looks at HTML5 Canvas performance and tells you how well your browser can render 2D images and shapes in a game-like environment, UC Browser 9.6 for Android displays 250 fish at 30-34 frames per second (FPS), while the latest version of Chrome mobile browser displays at 19-21 FPS.”
You can get the new update from the Google Play Store. You can hit the link below and get the latest UC Browser 9.6 for your device.