TextWeb is smart solution to get variety of information in a single SMS format. The information can be related to Sports, Weather, Movies, etc. Currently, consumers can get updates on their mobiles from a wide range of over 450 applications.
The format of getting SMS Alerts is very simple and easy to use. Just type certain keywords such as @CRICBUZZ , @WIKIPEDIA , @STOCKTIP , @PASSPORT to get the respective updates. The user has to send the keyword on 92433 42000 to keep themselves updated with the latest information.
Currently, TextWeb has 20,000 unique mobile users. The quantity doesn’t hold here as they double in every 15 days. TextWeb can be located at www.txtweb.com. It is one of the simplest SMS web based browsing system because it doesn’t need only high end smartphone. Anyone with an inexpensive phone can access from the built-in web browser from anywhere in the world.
TextWeb shows promise and potential for making the world’s information available to the hundreds of millions of Indian’s who have mobile phones, but do not have regular access to the Internet.