BB: It is common terminology used to denote Broadband Plan. Hence, BB is used with all plans. For example – BBG 125
G: Stands for General Plan which can be availed by any subscriber i.e. Business, Home, Corporate, institutions, individual etc. in any area (say Urban or rural) For example – BBG 125 is available to any and every customer.
Home: Means it is meant for Home users. For example – BB Home UL 750. This plan is not available to Business customers.
Numerals ‘XXX’e.g. 250:- stands for fixed monthly charges in Rupees (FMC). For example – in BBG 250 (250 denotes the Fixed monthly charges/ rent to be charged from the customer).
Combo: Denotes plan with combined rental/FMC for Broadband and landline. There is no extra rental for landline in this plan. For example – BBG Combo 650. Here the customer has to pay Rs. 650/- as one month rental for his Broadband and Landline rental together in a month.
FN: means free usage at night from 2 AM to 8 AM. For example: BBG FN Combo 500. Here the customers’ usage at night (between 2:00 AM to 8:00 AM) is not counted in his usage for charging purpose.
Speed: means plans with high speed i.e 8 Mbps on ADSL. BBG Speed Combo 4500.
Super Speed: Means plans with high speed using VDSL i.e. 16 Mbps, 24 Mbps. For example: BBG Super Speed Combo 4999.
UL: Denotes plans with unlimited usage at uniform speed. Say BB Home UL 750
ULF: Denotes unlimited usage plans with differential speeds i.e. higher speed upto a limited free data transfer and lower speed thereafter. For example: Say BBG Combo ULF 900. In this plan, the customer is allowed a download speed of 512 Kbps upto 8 GB download. Beyond 8 GB of download, his download speed falls to 256 Kbps. The term was initially coined to mean “unlimited fair usage”. In view of the fact that a separate fair usage policy is proposed for BSNL, the ULF term would now stand for “Usage based differential Speed”
Rural: Special plans applicable in rural areas for which only network subsidy is available from USOF. For example – BBG Rural Combo 999.
Rural USOF: Denotes Special plans applicable in rural areas for which network subsidy as well as Computer subsidy is available from USOF. For example – BBG Rural USOF 99.CSC:- Special plan applicable for DIT CSCs. For example – BB CSC 400. This plan is formulated as a special plan to be offered to the CSCs.
CS: Denotes Circle Specific Plan. For Example – BB Home Combo UL 625 CS1 which is applicable for Gujarat, AP, Punjab circles and Kolkata Telephones only.