Titan Watches had recently launched the HTSE (Hi-Tech Self Energized) range of watches that run on light. Now they have come up with a mobile application which is powered by light. Users have to power the mobile app by pointing their mobile camera to a light source like a daylight, light bulb, computer display etc.
An augmented realty feature was also provided so that the users can virtually place a HTSE collection of their choice on their wrist, capture the picture and share the same on social networks. Users can also check out the nearest store where they can find a HTSE watch through a GPS based store locator in the app.
Check out the video:
The makers have determined light intensity by calculating the average RGB values of every alternate frame taken as input from the camera source (webcam in the case of laptops / PCs and mobile camera in the case of mobile devices). They processed 15 frames per second and calculated their average RGB values.
The makers then plotted the avg. value on a scale of 0 – 255 to get the intensity (0 = Darkest, 255 = Brightest). Based on threshold value of 180 and delta (change in intensity) value of 20% they decided whether to power up the app or not.
The same concept is also made available in Facebook through an exclusive HTSE app on Titan’s Fanpage over here.