- Broadband (DSL)
- Cable
- Dial-up Line
- Wi-fi
- Data Cards (CDMA, Plug to Surf)
- Lease Lines
- Wi-Max
- 3G
- Fiber
The above website provide speed results in Mega Bits per Seconds (Mbps) so you can convert it into Kilo Bits (Kbps) by Multiplying the result by 1024. The download speed of any type of file is always measured in KiloBytes (KB) so we can convert above Kbps result into KBps by Dividing the Kbps number by 8.
I would also like to clear few doubts regarding Internet Surfing Speed and Downloading Speed of file. Internet or Surfing speed is generally calculated in Kbps (KiloBits Per Second) and Downloading Speed is generally Calculated in KBps (KiloBytes Per Second). If we know our Internet connection speed in Kbps then we can divide it by 8 to get the Downloading Speed i,e. speed in KBps.
For Example, If BSNL is giving 256 Kbps speed in Home 750 Unlimited Plan then we will get approx. 30-32 KBps downloading speed If we are having Home 500 Combo Plan which is having 2 Mbps speed then we will get 256 KBps downloading speed.
Internet Speed vary from time to time so the practical figures may vary during actual downloading.
Internet Speed or Downloading Speed depends upon numbers of factors, some are
2. Operating System Configuration.
3. Modem/Router Limitation.
4. Line/Media Quality.
5. Line/Media Length.
6. Hardware Limitation.
7. Presence of Virus in System.
8. Lack of Technical Implementation.
9. Browser Capabilities.
10. Use of Download Managers.