Telegram has been around for quite some time, trying to compete against the market leader WhatsApp with the introduction of several new features that are not available on the Facebook-owned platform.
The messaging platform Telegram recently saw a surge in its users after WhatsApp rolled out its new privacy policy, triggering a mass purge of users from the platform, who shifted to Telegram and Signal, among others.
Now, Telegram has added a new feature that will make it very easy for the existing users of WhatsApp to switch to Telegram. The company has rolled out support for transfer chat history from other platforms.
It recently updated the iOS app and the changelog mentions the tool that can be used to transfer chat history from WhatsApp to Telegram. Later, the changelog was updated, omitting the mention of the transfer tool but the feature is available to use.
Soon after rolling out the chat transfer feature for iOS, the company also rolled out the same for Android users. The only requirement for using this feature is that both the applications need to be on the latest version.
If you were planning to shift from WhatsApp to Telegram due to privacy concerns but the thing holding you back was the chat history, then that is no longer a problem. We will soon publish a step-by-step guide on how you can use the chat transfer tool to migrate your chat history from WhatsApp to Telegram.