Telegram recently confirmed that the company has now surpassed 500 million active users. In the month of January alone, the messaging platform received more than 90 million new users. This is after several users of WhatsApp started shifting away because of the newly updated privacy policy.
While Telegram has several features that are quite similar to what Facebook-owned WhatsApp offers, there are some unique features that you might not be able to find on any other platform.
One such feature is Silent Message. The feature, which was rolled out last year, aims to cut down the noise and nagging of new message notifications. The Silent Message appears as a notification but there won’t be any sound, regardless of the Do Not Disturb feature’s status on the recipient’s phone.
If you are new to Telegram or just don’t know how to use this feature, then here is a step-by-step guide for the same.
Sending Silent Messages in Telegram
Step 1: Open the Telegram application on your smartphone or on your computer.
Step 2: Now, go to the chat window of the contact to who you want to send a silent message.
Step 3: In the chat window, type the message that you want to send.
Step 4: Now, instead of pressing the send button, press and hold the send button for about three seconds.
Step 5: From the options that appear on the screen, tap on Send without sound.
That’s it. Now, the message you just sent to the contact will appear in notifications but the user won’t hear any notification sound. This comes in handy when you are aware that the end-user might be busy and the message you are sending isn’t of utmost priority. This way, the message recipient won’t get disturbed.