Last year, instant messaging app Telegram rolled out update 4.7 that brought in features like multiple account support and quick reply to the app. Now, Telegram is rolling out update 4.8 which brings along features like auto-night mode, video streaming and more to the app.

Let’s talk about video streaming first. With the 4.8 update, Telegram users can now stream videos inside the app without having to download them first. When a streaming is in progress, a light grey strip will appear in the video player which will show how much the video has been cached.

Telegram long ago rolled out theme support for its app, which also includes a Dark theme that you enable to reduce strain to your eyes while using the app at night or in low-light conditions. Well, the 4.8 update makes things easier by with the Auto-Night Mode.
As the name suggests, the Auto-Night Mode automatically switches the app to a dark theme after nightfall. Moreover, you can also set the app to switch to a darker theme automatically at a specific time. To set up Auto-Night Mode, you need to head over to the Settings > Theme > Auto-Night Mode menu.

Well, apart from introducing video streaming and auto-night mode, Telegram has also introduced Login Widget that lets you login to different websites with Telegram. The first time you use Telegram for login, you will have to submit your phone number to receive a confirmation message from Telegram which will then authorize the browser.
After that, whenever you visit a website and want to login, all you will have to do is click on ‘Accept’. Doing so will send your information like your Name, Username and Profile Picture to the website. Your phone number remains hidden though, and, you will always receive a message from Telegram after logging in which have details about the information that has been shared and the permissions that have been granted to a website.
Of course, you always have the option to revoke all the permissions. And, you can head over to the ‘Privacy & Security’ settings to get a list of all the websites that you have logged in to using Telegram. Lastly, bots on Telegram can now initiate a conversation with you instead of you having to initiate one with them.
All the aforementioned features are currently only available on Telegram for Android app, but, the company has said that they will soon be rolled out to iOS as well.
Download Link: Android