Earlier this month, Telegram rolled out update 4.1 which increased the supergroup limit to 10,000 members and brought along some cool admin tools. Now, the company has rolled out update 4.2 which comes with features like redesigned photo editing tools, self-destructing media, profile bios and more.
The update 4.2 now comes with redesigned photo editing tools and lets you adjust different aspects of a photograph like Exposure, Contrast, Saturation, Shadows and much more. You can also choose between Radial Blur and Linear Blur now, and, can also put stickers on a photo while also writing anything you want on it.
Apart from that, you can now also send disappearing photos and videos in a private chat. This can be done by setting a self-destruct timer for that photo/video. Once the timer is set, as soon as the receipient opens the photo/video, the countdown will start and the photo/video will disappear forever. The timer can be set from anywhere between 1 second to 1 minute. Also, if the recipient tries to take a screenshot of the disappearing media, the sender will be notified.
The 4.2 update also brings along Profile Bios. Well, as the name suggests, you can now write a few words (maximum 70) about yourself so that others in the group know who you are. Other users will see your bio when they open your profile. This is useful if you are a part of huge group with thousands of members in it.
With the new update, the scrolling area for stickers has also been enlarged so that you can see more stickers at once and decide quickly which one to send to your friends.
Apart from all this, Telegram also announced that their apps will now be relying on CDN (Content Delivery Network) “to cache publicly available photos and videos posted in massive channels”. With this, Telegram users will get faster download speeds. However, CDN will only be used to cache public data from massive channels. Private data will be untouched.
This 4.2 update is being rolled out for both Android and iOS users. If you don’t see any of the above mentioned features yet, try updating the app to the latest version from the links given down below.