Tata Indicom has launched a new value-added service ‘Comedy Junction’ through its voice portal, for all the prepaid and postpaid subscribers across India. It’s a service wherein, users can listen to renowned stand-up comedians like Raju Srivastava, Ehsaan Qureshi, Ranvir Shorey, Bhagwat Mann, Suresh Albela and many more by simply dialing the interactive voice portal 12903. Also, users can access various other categories such as Love Jokes, Pranks and Shayari, etc. Customers can avail a trial period of 5 minutes free of cost to experience the service before subscribing for it. It is available at a monthly subscription of Rs 30 with toll free browsing of up to 60 minutes. The service is available in 14 localized languages namely Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Bengali, Punjabi, Assamese, Kannada, Oriya, Marathi, Gujarati, Bhojpuri, Malayalam, Rajasthani and English which will help subscribers having more attraction towards regional content.