Tata Docomo, the GSM wing of Tata Teleservices has introduced a pack which offers all local calls at 1 paise/2 seconds for 30 days with a special recharge of Rs. 27 in Maharashtra and Goa circle. Tata Docomo was offering this tariff with a monthly pack of Rs. 49 since last year but now they have lowered the rate of this pack to Rs. 27 which is quite cheap as compared to the previous pack. Interestingly, the previous pack is still in existence, so anyone refilling with RC 49 will still get the same benefit.
Tata Docomo is getting strong competition from Uninor which is offering discount ranging from 5-60% on all local calls with a minimal recharge of Rs. 26 valid for 3 months. However, a subsrciber wont mind spending 27 Rs/month which comes to less than a rupee/day for a flat tariff of 1 paise/2 seconds (30 paise/minute) valid for a month.
So, next time you visit your nearest retailer, do a special recharge of Rs. 27 instead of falling for the RC 49 trap!