Mr.Aditya Gupta, chief operating officer Tata Docomo, Himachal said “In Himachal, at launch we are able to provide seamless connectivity in 286 townships and 4342 villages,With the pay-for-what-you-use’ model.The plan goes with our policy of simplifying tariff plans for the customer and actually charging for just what a subscriber uses.”
He also said that “With launch of Tata Docomo, we are also launching India’s first mobile community in Himachal Pradesh—Buddynet—wherein members enjoy calling rates of 1 paisa for 4 seconds for local calls, and 1 paisa for 2 seconds for STD calls within the community.Buddynet members will also get free access to social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, Orkut, Linked-In and Nimbuzz.”
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