A new Facebook App has been launched by Tata Docomo under its Call Me Tunes (CMT) serive called Songshare which allows the subscribers to publish their Call me tune status/updates on Facebook wall. Their friends can copy the songs by clicking the postings on the wall, recommend a song from the available songs list to friends group or fans and search song content available and download them for all callers or a specific caller. Customers can also subscribe to Call Me Tune services on their Tata Docomo numbers, using this application. This is surely a new and an innovative Value Added Service introduced by the company.
“With increasing internet usage and necessity to socially network, Facebook has really taken off globally with more than half a billion users. SongShare application is an effort to reach out to a wide, potential customer base on Facebook, encouraging penetration and usage of CMT service. The customers can enjoy the features and the benefits of Songshare application without even activating CMT via Facebook. The application enhances the CMT service and makes it more interactive and enjoyable,” said Mr. S Ramakrishna, Regional Head – South East, TATA Docomo at the launch.
The service is available to both post paid and pre paid subscribers. To subscribe, customers can log on to Tata Docomo Songshare application on Facebook and share their mobile number during the setup process for authentication. The application will send a randomly generated number to the subscriber’s entered mobile number through SMS. The subscriber will have to enter that number to complete the registration process.