Tata DOCOMO announced the launch of its new VAS – Video News Alert, that will give breaking news alerts in the form of video clips. The Video News Alert can be streamed, viewed and downloaded by both 2G & 3G subscribers on their mobile phones. For offering this service, Tata DOCOMO has inked an exclusive partnership with Network 18.
Tata DOCOMO’s ‘Video News Alert’ service allows subscribers to stream and download video clips, as also search and view news stories. Using the service, subscribers can express their liking for a story, share their opinion on a story, participate in polls and do much more to voice their feelings and concerns.
You can avail this service by sending a SMS ‘VIDEO NEWS’ to 53333, following which a subscription confirmation SMS along with a link to access video news will be sent. Subscribers will then receive three video alerts every day. The charges for data access are 10 paise for 10 Kb and there are no subscription charges to use this service.
To de-activate the Video News Service, customers can dial 155223 or sms ‘STOP videonews’ to 155223.