According to the data released by a job search and career management portal, senior professionals are increasingly using the mobile to search for Jobs in India.
The portal has said in a press release that the share of traffic from mobile devices to its site has doubled in the past one year.

This goes on to indicates that the senior professionals out there are making good use of their high end smartphones for their career management activities. It also reflects that a greater number of senior professionals are relying on mobile internet to log on to job search portals, while on the go.
Amongst the operating systems used to access the job search portal, there has been a massive increase of about 255% in the access via Android devices in the last 12 months, which is followed by increase in access via iOS of 108%, whereas Blackberry stayed at 61%.
The largest growth in traffic has come from Samsung devices which has doubled when compared to the growth of traffic from Apple’s devices. It has been revealed that 36% of the traffic comes from Apple devices while 23% comes from Samsung devices.
People are also using tablets to search for senior professionals jobs and from almost a negligible share in usage last year, almost 30% of all mobile traffic usage is from tablets.