Alongside the Samsung Galaxy S25 Series smartphones, Samsung, in collaboration with Google, has launched the Galaxy Watch for Kids, a dedicated smartwatch experience for the Galaxy Watch7 LTE. The Samsung Galaxy Watch for Kids is designed to help children stay connected, learn, and stay active.
The Galaxy Watch for Kids is powered by Wear OS and offers a safe and fun smartwatch experience tailored to kids. It offers Parental Control that enables parents to manage their child’s watch using the Family Link app. This allows them to control who their child can call and text, approve or block apps, and view the child’s location on a map.
The watch includes several preloaded educational apps such as MathTango for interactive math learning, Crayola Create & Play to encourage creativity, and PBS Kids for educational games and activities. Kids can customize their watch with colorful, character-themed watch faces, making the experience fun and engaging.
The watch tracks activity levels, heart rate, and sleep patterns, promoting a healthier lifestyle for children. It also features a long-lasting battery that provides up to 1.5 days of usage on a single charge.
The Galaxy Watch for Kids helps children stay connected with their parents and friends even without a smartphone. The educational apps and interactive watch faces encourage learning and skill development in a fun way. Fitness tracking motivates kids to stay active and maintain healthy routines, while the Family Link app gives parents peace of mind by allowing them to monitor their child’s location and activity.
The Galaxy Watch for Kids experience is now rolling out in the U.S. It is compatible with the Galaxy Watch7 LTE model and can be purchased via, as well as nationwide carriers such as Verizon, T-Mobile, and AT&T.