realme India has announced the launch of its realme Buds Wireless 5 ANC neckband headset on 16th January alongside the debut of the realme 14 Pro Series 5G. This model serves as the successor to last year’s realme Buds Wireless 3. The company has already teased the realme 14 Pro Series 5G with innovative design, advanced cameras, performance, and features following its ‘Make it real’ philosophy. The new lineup will set a new benchmark in the mid-range smartphone segment.
The realme Buds Wireless 5 ANC will feature a 50 dB Hybrid Active Noise Cancellation, an improvement from the 30 dB in its predecessor, a 3-level adaptive noise reduction system, 4,000 Hz ultra-wide band noise cancellation for enhanced performance, and Environmental Noise Cancellation (ENC) for clear audio during calls.
The earbuds will come with an IP55 dust and water-resistant design in a White or Silver finish with Yellow accents as shown in the teaser, while additional color variants are expected. The device will provide up to 38 hours of battery life on a single charge (without ANC).
The realme Buds Wireless 5 ANC will be available for purchase on,, and More details, including pricing and additional specifications, are expected to be revealed in the coming days as the launch date approaches.
Launching alongside is the realme 14 Pro Series 5G with the World’s first cold-sensitive color-changing back panel, a design innovation achieved in collaboration with Scandinavian industrial design experts, Valeur Designers. The realme 14 Pro Series introduces thermochromic pigments that allow the phone’s back panel to change colors based on temperature. Below 16°C, the back cover transitions from Pearl White to a vibrant Blue, reverting as the temperature rises. This dynamic feature makes the realme 14 Pro Series the world’s first smartphone to showcase such temperature-responsive aesthetics.
realme has also introduced the industry-first triple-reflection periscope telephoto lens with a 50 MP Sony IMX882 sensor in its upcoming realme 14 Pro+ 5G smartphone. Following teasers of its 42° quad-curved display, the brand has confirmed advanced imaging capabilities that aim to set new standards in smartphone photography. The back features the Ocean Oculus Triple Camera setup with the innovative MagicGlow triple flash. We have already shared some camera samples from both smartphones showcasing the camera performance and image results.
The realme 14 Pro Series 5G will be powered by the Qualcomm Snapdragon 7s Gen 3 SoC, offering a notable performance leap compared to the Snapdragon 7s Gen 2 found in its predecessor. The realme 14 Pro Series 5G will be available on, starting 16th January 2025, stay tuned for more details!