realme India is all set to launch the realme 14 Pro Series 5G consisting of the two smartphones – realme 14 Pro+ 5G and realme 14 Pro 5G. The company has already taken the wraps off some impressive features of its upcoming realme 14 Pro+ 5G, particularly in the camera segment while the realme 14 Pro 5G is a tone-down variant of its sibling. Here, we have shared some camera samples from both smartphones showcasing the camera performance and image results.
The realme 14 Pro+ 5G will be equipped with a 50 MP Sony IMX896 main camera with a 1/1.56-inch sensor and f/1.88 aperture, and OIS (Optical Image Stabilization). realme has introduced the industry-first triple-reflection periscope telephoto lens with a 50 MP Sony IMX882 sensor in its upcoming realme 14 Pro+ 5G smartphone. Following teasers of its 42° quad-curved display, the brand has now confirmed advanced imaging capabilities that aim to set new standards in smartphone photography.
Check out the camera samples we took in the daylight, more shots will be shared soon including the low light and night photography as the launch date approaches.
realme 14 Pro+ 5G and realme 14 Pro 5G Camera Samples
The triple-reflection periscope telephoto camera comes with 120X super zoom for distant details, 3X optical zoom, and 6X lossless zoom. realme says the 50 MP Sony IMX882 sensor uses a 1/2-inch sensor that delivers 182% more light intake than traditional telephoto lenses. We have shot in 3x and 6x modes to show you the image clarity. It also flaunts its first MagicGlow Triple Flash system ensuring consistent illumination with adjustable brightness and color temperature.
The series is also expected to come with several AI camera features including AI Ultra Clarity 2.0 ensuring sharp images by reducing blur, AI HyperRAW Algorithm for superior HDR processing and AI noise reduction, and AI Snap Mode to capture fast-moving subjects like sports and pets.
The official launch date is expected to be announced soon this month, stay tuned for more updates.