Qualcomm has silently launched a 7-core version of its Snapdragon 8 Elite SoC, a variant of the flagship chip originally unveiled in October last year. The new version reduces the number of CPU cores from 8 to 7 while retaining the same high-performance specifications for the remaining cores.
The original Snapdragon 8 Elite features a 2 x Oryon Prime CPU configuration running at up to 4.32 GHz, along with 6 x Oryon Performance CPUs clocked at up to 3.53 GHz. The 7-core version retains the 2 x Oryon Prime CPUs but reduces the Performance cores to 5, each running at the same 3.53 GHz speed. Apart from this adjustment, the rest of the specifications remain unchanged. To distinguish this variant, it is assigned a new port number: SM8750-3-AB, compared to the original SM8750-AB.
Key Details of Snapdragon 8 Elite (8-Core)
- 2 x Oryon Prime CPUs at up to 4.32 GHz
- 6 x Oryon Performance CPUs at up to 3.53 GHz
Key Details of Snapdragon 8 Elite (7-Core Variant)
- 2 x Oryon Prime CPUs at up to 4.32 GHz
- 5 x Oryon Performance CPUs at up to 3.53 GHz
Details about the new chip’s partners and the devices that will use it have not been disclosed yet. OEMs are expected to provide more information regarding the availability and pricing of devices powered by the 7-core Snapdragon 8 Elite. As the flagship Snapdragon 8 Elite models are generally priced higher than those powered by the Snapdragon 8 Gen 3, the cost of devices featuring this new variant remains a key point of interest.