Nokia Priority Stores and dealers all over India have now started taking pre-orders for the Nokia Lumia 800, the first Nokia device running on the Windows phone platform. All the dealers now have a dedicated section for the WP device where Nokia has also made available live, fully functional Lumia 800’s for users to try out.

To place your order, interested buyers need to pay an ordering fee of Rs. 1000 and after which your Lumia 800 will be delivered to you on the 15th December. The cost of the device excluding the ordering fee is Rs. 29000. All the dealers are very much mum as to when the second Nokia WP mobile, the Lumia 710 will be available. We hope that Nokia makes it available soon as we expect a lot of buyers will be interested in the 710 as it will obviously be priced below the Rs. 30000 price range and will be much more affordable.
To find out a Nokia priority dealer near you visit here.
Also check out our hand-on pictures of the Lumia 800 and 710 during the launch event.