Terms and Conditions :
- The free browsing benefit is only applicable to browsing the specified social networking web/wap-sites namely – Facebook, Twitter, Nimbuzz, Linked- in and Orkut.However any embedded applications and external URLs/Links will be charged at base tariff rates( i.e. 1ps/1kb)
- Free social networking sites browsing offer on BuddyNet is a limited period offer and can be modified or withdrawn by the company at its sole discretion.
- It will be applicable to all Tata DOCOMO customers enrolled for BuddyNet. The benefits will be applicable only while the customer is a member of BuddyNet.
- Currently upto 2GB usage/ month is free .Thereafter the Fair usage policy (FUP) will apply on Free usage under this offer. This limit may be modified from time to time by the company at its sole discretion.
- The benefit on free social networking sites browsing on BuddyNet will start at 12 midnight on the day of activation of BuddyNet.
- Skype applications are blocked on the Nimbuzz site.
- This promotional offer is valid on Tata DOCOMO Home & Tata DOCOMO roaming networks only, other roaming networks it will be charged at 10p/10kb.
- This free offer is valid till 15 May 2010.
Tata Docomo has very smartly introduced this scheme to attract more subscribers to activate BuddyNet or to stop subscribers from de-activating BuddyNet post trial period.This youth oriented scheme offers local calls between BuddyNet friends at 1 paise/6 seconds and STD at 1 paise/2 seconds with a rental of 7 Rs/week.Other facilities of BuddyNet includes sharing Talktime and gifting a sms pack to our fellow Tata Docomo subsriber.