Nimbuzz, an all in one chat app has been updated to version 3.1 for Symbian. It will be available on the OVI store in a couple of days, till then the app can be downloaded from Nimbuzz’s official website.
The new updated version will include the following new features:
- Improved Call Quality – thanks to peer to peer call connectivity.
- More space for your chats – for full screen chatting experience.
- Chat bubbles – that bring an iPhone like chat experience to your (Nokia) Symbian phone.
- Custom wallpapers in the chat screen – choose a color or an image from your gallery to display as background for your chats.
- Custom color for the text font in your chat screen
- Call Quality Indicator – so you can check the expected call quality before you make a call.
- Free Avatars – choose new and exciting avatars for your profile picture from N-World
- Last Seen Online – shows you the last time your friend was seen on Nimbuzz.
- Fast group selection – straight from your contact list.
Nimbuzz supports Gtalk/Orkut, Facebook chat, Yahoo, MSN/Live, AIM/MobileMe, MySpace, ICQ and Hyves. Get the latest vesrion over here.