Opera had a few days back announced that it will release new versions of its Opera Mini and Opera Mobile browser at the Mobile World Congress 2012 and today the company has made the release official.
Opera has announced the Opera Mini Next for J2ME (JAVA), BlackBerry and Symbian devices, whereas the Opera Mobile 12 has been announced for the Android and S60 devices
What’s new in these browsers? Well the Opera Mini Next is a preview version of what’s next for Opera Mini with which feature phones get even smarter with advanced social media functions. Opera has introduces the Smart Page. The Smart Page will take its position alongside Opera’s famous Speed Dial shortcuts and give feature phones smarter access to social networks, the latest news and more. The Opera Mini Next now also goes on to support unlimited speed dials as Opera has removed the 9 speed dial limit thus letting users to customise the browser better.

The official change log is as follows:
- Added Smart Page with social integration
- Support for more than 9 speed dials
- Much improved RTL text renderering
- Fixed an issue where it was not possible to get a context menu for an URL text input field
- Last character of a long word was missing when input was done
- Auto update support
- Splash screen optimizations
- General stability fixes
- Translations for Arabic, Farsi, Urdu and Hebrew
- Support for Russian input in Opera VK (S60 only)
- Quick access to URL/search from Symbian status bar (S60 5.0 and Symbian^3)
Now coming on to the Opera Mobile 12, the new version will bring in WebGL on Android phones, for all things 3D and web. With WebGL on mobile, it’ll be even easier to make games cross platform and to distribute them. Next up is Ragnarök, Opera’s HTML5 parser support which brings in better web apps and increased compatibility with websites. More HTML5 means more advanced web functionality. Now users can find support for camera use in the browser. And also more customization of the Speed Dial of Opera Mobile, thanks to the unlimited speed dial feature.

Official change log for Opera Mobile 12:
- Support for more than 9 speed dials
- WebGL support (Android only)
- HTML5 Camera (Android 2.1+ only)
- HTML5 Device Orientation
- HTML5 parser (Ragnarök)
- Android Beam support (NFC)
- Added Flash support on Android 4.0.3
- RTL text support in UI
- Turkish, Arabic, and Farsi translation
- Support for Russian input in Opera VK (S60 only)Quick access to URL/search from Symbian status bar (S60 5.0 and Symbian^3)
- Keyboard support (Android only)
- Scrolling on high pixel devices (Galaxy Nexus)
- Closing of tabs
- SSL connection speed
- Tab session restore
- Find in page UI
So, head over to m.opera.com to download the latest version of Opera Mini Next and to download the Opera Mobile 12, head over to the Android Market, or Ovi Store or simple log on to m.opera.com from your mobile browser.