These smartphone provide direct access to as much as 15 social networking sites including facebook, twitter, windows live messenger, yahoo and Google search to its subscribers. These devices offer internet connectivity with speeds up to 3.1 Mbps in ideal conditions. MTS so far has been offering similar speeds on the data cards and with the launch of these smart phones, MTS now has extend the high speed mobile broadband connectivity to the smart phones also. MTS will provide 20 GB free for first two months for every subscriber of these devices, as an inaugural offer.
All MTS Smart Phones are available with bundled offers. MTS will be offering all its smart phone consumers, limited and unlimited tariff plans ranging from Rs.192 to Rs.1099. MTS-Buzz offers free usage for both voice and data services worth Rs.1795 with life time validity, whereas Alive and Ivory also offer the free usage of voice and data worth Rs.2295 with life time validity. Standard tariff of 1p/second is applicable to all smart phones for all local & STD calls and Rs 2/MB base tariff for data usage. MTS-Ivory will also offer mobile TV experience with free subscription for two months as per offered tariff plans.
MTS-Ivory, the sleek life style phone has broadband internet access with speeds up to 3.1Mbps. The Ivory can access MTS TV featuring up to 60 channels, and has a 3.2” WQVGA full touch screen for enhanced mobile TV experience. Ivory also features Microsoft exchange push mail access to Facebook,Twitter, Orkut, MSN, Yahoo Messenger, GTlak,Picasa, Cricinfo and many more. It is also Wi-FI enabled with 2 MP camera, Bluetooth and expandable memory up to 4GB. It is priced at Rs. 13,999.
MTS-Buzz is dual mode (CDMA/GSM) messaging and social networking optimized handset. It is a slim QWERTY phone with a unique tattoo for youthful and elegant appearance. The social networking sites like Facebook. Twitter, windows live messenger can be experienced through the large 2.4” screen. It also facilities Internet surfing with Yahoo and Google. It has a stereo FM Radio with MP3 player, a 1.3MP camera and expandable memory up to 4GB. Buzz is available in white and black colours. It is priced at Rs. 6,299.
MTS-Alive is 3G-CDMA touch screen phone with Hi-Speed Access to over 15 social Networking, entertainment and information sites like Facebook, Twitter, Orkut, MSN, yahoo messenger, G-Talk, Cric Info, Weather updates, Picasa, News. It also has an in-built Opera Mini Browser, Expandable memory up to 8GB, Multi-Format Music Player, 1.3 MP Camera with Video Recording and Bluetooth with A2DP for wireless Stereo Music Streaming. It is priced at Rs. 4,999.