MTNL CMD, RSP Sinha quoted “Under the Pay Per Second billing plans which will become effective from December 2, subscribers will pay Half Paisa per second for MTNL Network Voice and Video calls and pay one paisa per second for local and STD Voice and Video calls across the country on all other networks. MTNL, which also offers 3G services, is first operator to offers video calls at per second pulse across the country” he added.
The tariffs are available for both 2G and 3G postpaid users and affect MTNL’s 4.4 million mobile customers which include 1.65 lakh 3G Mobile subscribers. According to Mr. Sinha, MTNL wishes to mitigate the difference between 2G and 3G customers by making 3G more affordable. Its 2G customers can convert to 3G by paying a nominal conversion charge. This is a lure as this allows for usage of 3G content and quality
With Postpaid “3G Jadoo Pay per second Plan” All Local and STD Voice and Video calls to MTNL-Mumbai—Delhi network will be charges at ½ paisa (Half Paisa Per Second) and All calls to other network across India will be chargeable at just 1 paisa. The 3G and 2G GPRS data charges will just 1 paisa for 10KB and SMS 25 p (Local) Rs.1 (National and Rs.2.50 (International).
Existing 2G and 3G Dolphin Subscriber can migrate in this plan just by request on 1503 from their Dolphin Mobile.