The Motorola web design team had their moment of fail when they accidentally revealed a range of new devices from their roadmap. They were apparently redesigning the website and they must had a redbull or two to accidentally spill such costly beans. Though they have pulled down the site, the damage has already been done as captured the screenshots and published, which was later removed as Motorola Mobility requested it. The screenshots reveals new moto devices with strange names such as Pearl, Tracy and Zaha. First up there is a Watch phone code named Tracy and with a tag line “Dick Tracy never saw this coming”. Then there is this phone called Slimline which gives us a hint of the story that Motorola is also planning thin devices like everyone else. Zaha seems to be another futuristic phone but all these products are eclipsed by the next generation Moto Xoom. Xoom 2 image is present in the footer of all these product pages and is it a promise from Motorola to take the tablet wars to the next level? The specs are not known, but we get the hint.