This association of MobiGyaan with MyToday will offer Telecom and Mobile updates via SMS, pretty obvious :). We will offer these updates via SMS at just Rs. 5/month which according to me is as good as free.
There are many questions which I think might arise in your mind, I am answering below some of the potential queries one might have.
What are the charges of this serivce?
Just Rs. 10/month
How to subsribe to MobiGyaan’s Paid SMS channel?
To subscribe to our Premium SMS alerts Service visit http://mytoday.com/store/products/MOBI-MOBILE and signup with MyToday, if you are not already registered with MyToday. If you are already registered with MyToday and you have credits in your account then just use them to subscribe to Our SMS Alertts, and if you are not already registered with MyToday then first register yourself purchase the credit and then subscribe to our SMS Alerts.
I am a SMS subscriber of Free SMS Alerts of MobiGyaan. Do I need to pay now for receiving SMS Alerts from mobigyaan.com?
MobiGyaan now have two SMS Channels one is Free and other is the Paid one.
Free SMS Channel : There is no charge for subscribing to Free SMS Channel of Mobigyaan.
Paid SMS Channel : If you will subscribe to Paid SMS Channel then you will have to pay.
Is it compulsory for Free SMS Channel to subscribe to Paid SMS Channel for receiving SMS Alerts from MobiGyaan?
No, offcourse not. Its your wish if you want to subscribe to our Paid channel. To know what is the difference between Free and Paid SMS channel please read the answer to the question below.
What is the difference between Free and Paid Channel?
Free SMS Channel will cover content which is published on MobiGyaan and you will get SMS alerts of around 140 characters only. While the Paid channel will contain extra content along-with the content covered on MobiGyaan as we can send you content of around 300 characters..
I want to subscribe to both Free and Paid Channel? Can I do so?
Yes, you can subscribe to both or one of the Channel. Its up-to you.
If you have any more queries then click here to Contact Us.