This Application works without SMS and without GPRS and allows you to search your bus in less than 10 second, less than 10 keystrokes. And the best part is that, it is available for free. To download this app click here.
Raxit Sheth, co-founder, m4mum asserts, “Bangalore is Sillicon valley of India. Few people has tried to help daily 38 lakh people travelling using Bangalore city bus like providing Web based bus search, providing latest technology map, etc. However if one observes many people in Bangalore are not having internet access while they are on go! Even if they have, internet access on mobile is slow, it costs GPRS charge (monthly rental or download charge), Mobile site (WAP site) required mobile web access and mobile user interface is slow and not so great.”
Earlier Mobile 4 Mumbai had launched similar application for Mumbai and Pune.