The same service can be made available to operators across the country. This service enables users to listen to a full song and choose any part of the song as their RBT. Additionally, this gives users the option to download the selected part of the song as Ringtone or dedicate the song to friends, providing a unified music experience to consumers. This service can replace the conventional IVR based music services like Music on Demand, RBT discovery portal & Ringtone portals.
This service can be offered to any operator as a stand-alone service connected to their existing RBT platform over standard integrations.
The market size for RBT in India is approximately Rs 2200 cr and growing at a fast pace. Further Mobile Radio and Music on Demand form another Rs 2000 cr of potential market. MVAS has witnessed unprecedented growth during these times of cut throat competition among telecom service providers and will continue its growth path.