With this facility mobile phone or landline phone users will be able to block all or certain categories in which user does not want any commercial or telemarketing calls. TRAI also mentioned that, ‘no commercial communication, even for unregistered customers, shall be sent between 9.00 PM to 9.00 AM, so as not to disturb the customers at night’. TRAI also made mandatory for telemarketing companies to send a unique SMS header for easy identification of promotional or commercials text messages (SMS).
1.Banking/Insurance/Financial products/credit cards
2.Real Estate
5.Consumer goods and automobiles
7.Tourism and Leisure
Here are the steps to block telemarketing calls.
By dialing 1909
If you dial 1909, the call goes to the yours telecom service provider and you can register your preference through the customer care executive or Interactive Voice Response System (IVRS) depending upon telecom operator setup. After connecting, ask the customer care executive for registration of your preference i.e. block all or block selected (Partially Blocked Category) which is mentioned above. In case, the service provider has IVRS system in place, just follow the simple instructions.
The customer care executive & the IVRS system will confirm your preference(s) and register the same in the Provider Customer Preference Register. You will get an SMS confirming the preferences exercised by you along with unique registration number.
By Sending SMS to 1909
You can also register your preference by simply sending a SMS to 1909. In case you want to opt for fully blocked category, send SMS “START 0” to 1909. But if you want to opt for the partially blocked category, send SMS “Start ” to 1909 as given below:
“START 1” for receiving SMS relating to Banking/ Insurance /Financial products/Credit cards
“START 2” for receiving SMS relating to Real Estate
“START 3” for receiving SMS relating to Education
“START 4” for receiving SMS relating to Health
“START 5” for receiving SMS relating to Consumer goods and automobiles
“START 6” for receiving SMS relating to Communication /Broadcasting / Entertainment /IT,
“START 7” for receiving SMS relating to Tourism and Leisure
To opt for multiple preferences from categories send SMS “Start ” to 1909.
For example for receiving commercial SMSes from Banking/Insurance/Financial products/Credit cards and Real Estate, send SMS in the format “START 1, 2”.
After this, you will get the confirmation SMS whether to block all or block a certain category. To confirm this, you need to send Y or N, to complete the procedure.
After confirmation from you, the mobile operator sends SMS indicating you preferences along with your unique registration number.
Here is how it works :