Youtube is making some refreshing features to its video sharing platform. We’ve just seen the Google owned app add download options to Youtube Music. Now, the Android version is getting speed controls for video. The feature is nothing new for the desktop website but Google has just started testing the same on the mobile app.

Youtube app users might be aware of the three dots that are on the top-right corner of a video when you play it. Well, that is where the new options will be. Similar to the desktop app, you can speed up a video to 1.25x, 1.5x, or 2x. Or you could go slow-mo with 0.75x, 0.5x, or 0.25x its normal speed.
As this is a test-feature, it is likely that most of you might not see the feature. It might also be a server-side switch as Google has nothing official on the subject. It’s not the most vital feature but it would be good to have some granular controls on playback.