The Fuel Economy Calculator for BlackBerry devices is an easy to use app and is available for BlackBerry devices and also on the PlayBook. Published by Dekerta Software the app helps you to calculate your fuel economy.
Just enter in your odometer reading and how much fuel you purchase, and the app will calculate the efficiency for you. It tracks the data over time automatically by averages and a handy graph. The app also supports multiple vehicles, metric and imperial units, and you can even keep track of oil changes and maintenance as well as set reminders.
The Fuel Economy Calculator supports the following units:
– Litres
– US Gallons
– Imperial Gallons
– Km
– Miles
Fuel Economy:
– litres / 100km
– miles / gallon (US)
– miles / gallon (Imp.)
– miles / litre
– km / gallon (US)
– km / gallon (Imp.)
– Includes oil change and maintenance tracking
– Works with both metric and imperial units
– Track the amount of money you spend on gas
– Keep track of your fuel efficiency over time
– Supports multiple vehicles
The app is available for most BlackBerry smartphones, for $2.99 for your BlackBerry or $0.99 for your PlayBook over here.