With the news of the retirement of Google Reader, Feedly is now the emerging news reader app. Nearly 3 million new users have joined Feedly in the last few weeks after Google announced scrapping of its Reader. To keep the trust of the users, Feedly is working hard to improve their service, especially with the new version of Feedly Mobile.
Considering the diverse user base, the new Feedly mobile app has been launched on all platforms, both mobile and web. The app is available for iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch, Android, Android tablets, Firefox, Chrome and Safari.
The search is completely simplified in the new app. It offers nearly 50 million feeds based on your interactions. There is a ‘Must Reads’ sections which gives the important feeds of the day. The new app focusses a lot on social media sharing. The newly designed sharing panel makes easy to share across all major social networks. The pull to refresh gesture makes it very easy to update your feeds instantly.