A few days back BSNL announced bandwidth upgradation on certain Broadband plan for its Postpaid subscribers, this announcement did not mention anything for subscribers using the Plan UL 750, which left many users of that plan sad and wondering.

Folks, we are bringing you some real good news, and don’t forget you are reading it here, on MobiGyaan as it is a MobiGyaan Exclusive.
BSNL has decided to upgrade the bandwidth of UL 750 subscribers to 1 Mbps from exisiting 512 Kbps
BSNL Broandband subscribers using UL 750 Plan will be able to enjoy the increased speeds from 1st February, 2012.
Do share your thoughts with us and remember sharing is caring, do share this post with all your friends using Plan UL 750. Enjoy!
Also Read: BSNL to double the Broadband Speeds on certain plans