Idea Language Champion comprises of a range of online tasks and quizzes in different languages which participants would need to solve at every step of the game. The contest allows users to gather information from their network of friends, using various social media platforms like Facebook & Twitter. For eg. Participants are required to post the task questions as status messages on Facebook where they need to seek response from their network of friends whereas on Twitter participants can broadcast the task question to their followers and seek help.
The short listed candidates will then get a chance to establish their candidature for the 4 finalists in Phase II of the competition. For this, they need to upload a video projecting ‘Why should he/she be chosen the Idea Language Champion?’ with few sentences in his/her mother tongue. Based on their content uploads, the 4 finalists from the online contest will be selected by the judges.
The four finalists will be sent out to four different locations in the country giving them an opportunity to demonstrate how they can overcome language barriers while communicating with others speaking a different language. Each user will be given an Idea connection through which they will be able to network with their friends and document their quest from the real world situations that they face during the on-ground tasks. Finalists will get to network and update with over 1 lakh members on the Idea Fan Page on Facebook and other social networking platforms, besides their own community on these sites.
The most ‘Liked’ and ‘Supported’ candidate, from this 5 day on-ground quest, will get the winner title of the Idea Language Quest. The winner will walk away with a free return air tickets and hotel stay for 3N/4D for 2 people in Bangkok. Each of the 4 finalists will get free domestic return air tickets with 5 days hotel stay in the city where they traveled during their onground leg of the competition. Cleartrip has been chosen as the travel partner of Idea Language Contest where they will also offer discount vouchers worth Rs. 1000 each to registered users.
Now that we have shared this news with you, do you really think this campaign is useful enough to the subscribers or is just one of the useless campaigns of !dea where customers get nothing but these non productive ideas. !dea should concentrate more on providing competitive tariff rates instead of making “sirjee” feature on television often (pun intended!)