1) All the customers registering their new Broadband connection upto 31.07.2010 under any limited or unlimited BSNL Broadband plan of upto 2 Mbps speed shall be provided unlimited free download at 2 Mbps for first 15 days irrespective of the speed of the plan applied for. The customers applying for Limited Plans shall not be charged for their download for first 15 days of activation of their Broadband connection and those applying for unlimited plans with download speed less than 2 Mbps shall get the benefit of increased download speed of 2 Mbps.
2) Installation charges (Rs. 250) for all the customers registering their Broadband connection upto 31.07.2010 has been waived off and installation of Broadband at the customer’s premises shall be done free of cost.
3) Security deposit for Broadband (as applicable for opted plan) and Modem security deposit (In case modem is taken on hire basis) shall be taken in three equal monthly installments starting from first bill for all the customers registering their Broadband connection upto 31.07.2010.
4) In an effort to win back the customers whose Broadband connection has been disconnected due to non-payment of disputed bills, BSNL has extended the special relief scheme “SAMADHAN” for settlement of disputed bills with respect to Broadband usage for the benefit of existing and ex-customers of Broadband service upto 31st March 2011. Under the scheme, Home as well as general User customers are provided substantial rebate to settle their disputed bills.