Diverting calls is sometimes a good option but costly. Now the BSNL is trying to offer that for free. We have learned that the state run operator will offer Free incoming Call Diversion Facility to all its 2G and 3G Prepaid and Postpaid consumers in Tamil Nadu telecom circle (including Chennai, however in Chennai this facility will be available for only 2G customers) from 12-09-11 to 10-11-11 for a period of 60 days.
Free incoming call diversion facility to one BSNL Landline number within Tamil Nadu inclusive of Chennai, as per the choice of the Prepaid / Postpaid customer, involves two steps
(a) First, registering one BSNL LL number through SMS to 53733
(b) Second, activation of the facility on your mobile
You need to register one BSNL Landline number for Free Call Diversion(FCD) facility by sending SMS to 53733 as FCD <space> STDCODE BSNL Landline number (including Chennai BSNL number). Please note that any subsequent change of registration will be allowed only after two months from the date of registration. Once registration is done, go to your mobile call settings and activate call diversion in it.
On activation of the FCD facility, all the incoming Calls to the mobile number will be diverted to the registered landline number and are FREE of charge. But it may please be noted that any diverted incoming call to any other Landline/Mobile number, other than the above registered landline number is chargeable for the incoming call mobile number as applicable for a diverted call.
This facility is not applicable for the CUG customers in Prepaid and Postpaid services.
Thanks Bandhan Preet Singh