Details of all the Prepaid BroadBand Voucher Provided by BSNL
1. Unlimited download/upload Plan vouchers :
Speed | Validity in Days for different Recharge Vouchers | |||
BB R_UL 300 Voucher (*MRP Rs. 300) | BB R_UL 550 Voucher (*MRP Rs. 550) | BB R_UL 900 Voucher (*MRP Rs. 900) | BB R_UL 1200 Voucher (*MRP Rs. 1200) | |
256 Kbps | 7-days | 15-days | 30-days | N/A |
Upto 512 Kbps | N/A | 7-days | 15-days | 30-days |
Upto 1 Mbps | N/A | N/A | 7-days | 15-days |
Upto 2 Mbps | N/A | N/A | N/A | 7-days |
Note: – The Grace period for renewal shall be 90 days after the validity . The customer account shall be permanently deleted from the system after the Grace Period.
2.Limited download/upload plan vouchers( upto 2 Mbps )
The customer will be offered different Plans with speed upto 2 Mbps with limited download. The details of Plan vouchers and rate at which the usage shall be charged is as follows:-
Sl. No. | Voucher Type | MRP (Rs.) | Service Tax @ 10.30% | Administrative Charge (Rs.) | Usage Amount (Rs.) | Rate Per MB (in Rs.) | Validity (Days) | Grace Period ( in Days) *GP-I | Grace Period ( in Days) **GP-II |
` | BB RL 50 | 50 | 4.67 | 15 | 30.33 | 0.60 | 7 | 15 | 75 |
2 | BB RL 100 | 100 | 9.34 | 20 | 70.66 | 15 | 15 | 75 | |
3 | BB RL 250 | 250 | 23.35 | 25 | 201.65 | 30 | 15 | 75 | |
4 | BB RL 500 | 500 | 46.69 | 50 | 403.31 | 45 | 15 | 75 | |
5 | BB RL 750 | 750 | 70.04 | 0 | 679.96 | 0.40 | 60 | 15 | 75 |
6 | BB RL 1200 | 1200 | 112.06 | 0 | 1087.94 | 75 | 15 | 75 | |
7 | BB RL 1600 | 1600 | 149.41 | 0 | 1450.59 | 90 | 15 | 75 | |
8 | BB RL 2000 | 2000 | 186.76 | 0 | 1813.24 | 120 | 15 | 75 | |
9 | BB RL 5000 | 5000 | 466.91 | 0 | 4533.09 | 0.30 | 210 | 15 | 75 |
- For limited Plans, balance usage value if any available will be carried forward, in case of recharge within the Grace Period *GP-I (i.e. 15 days). Beyond 15 days (*GP-I), balance usage value if any available will not be carried forward, but the customer can recharge his account upto another 75 days (**GP-II). After expiry of the additional grace period of 75 days (**GP-II), the account of the customer shall be deleted from the system .
Sl.No. | Voucher Type | *MRP (in Rs.) | Usage Amount (in Rs.) | Service Tax @ 10.30% | Validity in Days (for account) |
1 | BB Validity 100 | 100 | NIL | 9.34 | 30 |
2 | BB Validity 150 | 150 | NIL | 14.00 | 45 |
3 | BB Validity 250 | 250 | NIL | 23.35 | 60 |
Top Up voucher of the following denominations shall be available for increasing the usage without any change in validity.
Sl. No. | Voucher Type | *MRP (in Rs.) | Service Tax @ 10.30 %( in Rs.) | Usage Amount (Rs.) |
1 | BB Top Up 100 | 100 | 9.34 | 90.66 |
2 | BB Top Up 200 | 200 | 18.68 | 181.32 |
3 | BB Top Up 500 | 500 | 46.69 | 453.31 |
* MRP including Service Tax @ 10.30%.
- After increase of usage amount through Top Up voucher, the existing rate of usage as per plan selected by the customer shall continue.
• The customer can recharge his account online from the BSNL portal after purchasing the voucher either through BSNL CSC or other retail outlets.
• While the account under limited Plans will be governed by validity as well as usage amount, the account under Unlimited Plans will be governed by validity period only . The renewal of unlimited plan will create new validity period on the date of renewal as per the value (MRP) of the Unlimited Plan Voucher, together with the related bandwidth speed opted by the customer from the Plans indicated at Para-C(1). For example, if a customer availing Pre-paid 256 Kbps account (unlimited) renews his/her account with BB R_UL 1200 voucher and opts for speed of upto 512 kbps at the time of renewal, charging as per the new opted bandwidth will start and new validity of 30 days will be applicable.
• In case the customer opts for migrations from unlimited plan to limited plan or vice versa his/her validity/balance shall not be carried forward. The account will be treated as a fresh account. However, the customer will be able to retain his user account.