It seems just when we think, it cannot get worse for BlackBerry, it does. We all waited for the one thing that is good about BlackBerry – The BlackBerry Messenger, to pour on to our Android phones. We waited ardently over this weekend, but sadly, the day never came. BBM’s iOS rollout was put on hold and Android was nowhere to be seen. Both of them are currently ‘paused’ and BlackBerry says it has put it on hold due to ‘overwhelming demand’.
Here’s what the official blog says,” The interest and enthusiasm we have seen already – more than 1.1 million active users in the first eight hours without even launching the official Android app – is incredible.”
BlackBerry has tried to reassure people over Twitter. All this seems like is empty assurance unless it really pours in for Android.
While there are a lot of messengers out there, the enthusiasm for BBM is still amazing, which is why BlackBerry messing up the launch leaves an icky taste in the mouth. They keep reassuring us on their website though.