A new news app by BBC has been launched for the Android platform. The app supports all versions of the platform from 1.6 and above. You can download the app from the Android Market free of cost.
Users can get the latest and breaking news from the BBC and their global network of journalists. Stories are arranged in categories including top stories, UK, world, politics, business, technology, health, entertainment & arts and sport. The app offers stories and video, and users can personalise the homescreen by adding and removing news categories to suit their interests.
Key features:
- Simple design with scroll functionality to enable efficient browsing
- Tap to reveal full-screen article and in-story video
- On a story page, swipe sideways to read the next story
- Sharing tools to post stories to a range of social networks, or email / SMS to a friend
- Latest and breaking news ticker
- An ‘Edit’ menu, allowing you to personalise the homescreen by adding and removing news categories to suit your preferences
- Live streaming of the BBC News channel for Android 2.2 devices running Flash
- Settings to allow the app to automatically update in the background
- Font controls to increase or decrease the story text size to suit you
- Full range of News categories: Top stories, World, UK, Sport, Technology, Entertainment & Arts, England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Business, Politics, Health, Education, Science & Environment, Features & analysis, Also in the news
Follow the source to download the app.