Extract from TRAI’s Notifcation published on 1 Decebmer 2010
“The Authority is also aware that unsolicited commercial communications can be/are being sent by unregistered telemarketers. Such messages can be sent by any person and they are essentially in the category of P2P communications. However, in order to curb such messages, the Authority has decided that no Access Providers shall provide any SMS packages in any form (through voucher, student pack, seasonal pack etc) permitting sending of more than 100 SMS per day per SIM except on blackout days or days specially notified by TRAI. Any such package already in use shall be withdrawn w.e.f 31.12.2010. Provisions have also been made to disconnect the telecom resources after giving a notice if it is found that telemarketing activities are being doneform the unregistered telemarketer.”
So, now what you gonna do? Buy new connections or will send less SMSes or will try to find out anyother alternative. Do let us know.